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Gillingham & Shaftesbury Clubs and Societies

If you wish to contact any of the below clubs or societies please speak to them direct.

Club / ­­Group Date Venue Contact / Info
Amity 2nd Thursday Donhead St Mary Village Hall 2.30 -4.30pm   Anne 01747 858927
Ballroom and Latin Classes Weekly Buckhorn Western / Fifehead Magdalen  01963 31904  or
Blackmore Vale Bonsai Group Wednesday / Sunday Silver Band Hall Bleke Street Shaftesbury 7.30pm – Geoff 01747 853475

BodyRhythm Classes Weekly Fifehead Magdalen 01963 31904 or
County Market Every Friday Gillingham Methodist Church  8.30 – 11.30am
Craft Market Last Sat (not Dec) Methodist Hall 10 – 3pm 01747 825161
Dorset Fungus Group Every Sunday Various
Duke of Edinburgh Scheme Tuesdays Gillingham Youth Centre (Termtime)   07917 212390
Farmers Market Fri 1 March Red Lion Car Park 8am – 2pm
Fast feet football Every Saturday East Stour Rec Ground 10 -11am   Reception – yr 6   07971958486
Fifty Plus Social Group Every Tuesday Wine Bar – Queen Street Gillingham 7.30pm  for more info  Jean  01747 590260
GANG – Gillingham Action for Nature Group Various Various  Work parties/outings, all nature lovers welcome, any age
Gillingham Bowling Club Details from Secretary Bowling Club, School Lane, Gill Contact Gillingham Coach Helen 01747 826468
Gillingham Community Choir Every Thursday Vicarage School Rooms Gillingham 7pm – 9.15pm   £5 weekly
Gillingham Cribbage League Every Tuesday Various  8.30pm Sept-Apr 0196334210
Gillingham Flower Club 1st Tuesday Gillingham Town Hall 7.30 contact Jan on 01747 824874
Gillingham Folk Dancing Every Monday Gillingham Methodist Hall 7.30 -9.15 £3 beginners welcome  info 01747 824590
Gillingham Gardening Society 2nd Wednesday Royal British Legion Hall 2.30  limited parking  01747 823966
Gillingham Inner Wheel 3rd Wednesday Various 10.30am  contact secretary Esther Hussey 01747 824882
Gillingham Ladies Probus 2nd Thursday Royal British Legion Hall 10 am – 12  Janet  01747 822256 or Carol 01747 825424
Gillingham Litter Pickers 1st Wednesday Various 2pm  for details for venue contact Shirley on 07599 829539
Gillingham Singers Every Monday Gillingham School Hall (Sept – July)  7pm  Carole 01747 825826
Gillingham Town Youth Football Daily depending on age Kingston Magna playing fields 6-18 years (boys & Girls) 07476906671
Gillingham Trotters Running Every Tuesday Fitness by Design 7pm
Gillingham Walkers Every Monday Barn Surgery 1 hr comfortable walks  2.30pm
Gillingham Wheelers Every Sat/Sun Wheels / Café Rimini 9am   Beginners – Sat  Experienced  – Sun
Gillingham Singers Every Mon Gillingham School Hall 7.15 (Sept–Jul) Carole 01747 825826
Hipp!!  Bones First and third Sat Youth & Community Centre 10 am – 12 07983674719
History Society 3rd Tuesday Methodist Church Hall, Gillingham
Job club Every Friday Town Hall 07544921671  10 am – 1pm
Knitwits in the Buff Every Monday Buffalo Inn 7pm   call Cate on 01747 821473
Lions Meeting Wed second Gillingham Town Hall Gillingham, Mere & Shaftesbury Lions  Janet 0845 8337521
Lions Meeting Wed fourth Gillingham Town Hall Gillingham, Mere & Shaftesbury Lions  Janet 0845 8337521
LGBT – North Dorset 2nd Monday Buffalo Gillingham Contact Roger on 01747 822848
Marnhull & Gillingham Badminton Club Every Mon, Tues and Thurs Riversmeet Mon Pay and Play,  Tues Club night , Thurs advanced
Mash it Up Football Every Monday Gillingham School Astro 5.30 – 6.30 12 – 16 boys and girls football 07971 417284
Mash it Up Football Every Thursday Shaftesbury School Astro 3.15 – 4.30 12 – 16 boys and girls football 07971 417284
Memory Box 3rd Monday Vicarage School Rooms Gillingham 2-3.30pm. Free open to all. Revd Andy Muckle 01747835440
Mindful Café Fortnightly Tuesday St Martins Grange, Gillingham Contact Sally on 01747 852153
Mother and Toddler Every Monday Baptist Church Hall 1pm – 3pm Term time only
Mother and toddler Every Wed St Mary the Virgin School 9.45 -11.45am  Term time only
Netball Group Every Friday Riversmeet 7.30pm
North Dorset Business Group 2nd week Tues/Wed Various Connecting local businesses
North Dorset Turbos Weekly 4 days Port Regis/St Marys S’bury   Chriss Gassman 01258 820202
North Dorset Rugby FC Various Slaughtergate Gillingham Mens youth, minis, girls  01747 822748
Open House Every Tuesday Fathers House Church Shaftesbury  10 – 2pm
Peacemarsh Health Walk Every Tuesday Peacemarsh Surgery Gillingham Free friendly group walk of approx. 1 hour led by trained volunteers
Probus Group Fortnightly Tues Olive Bowl
Probus Group S’bury Monday second Shaftesbury Town Hall 10 for 10.30     852975 Sue
Rotary Club of Gillingham Every Wed Olive Bowl Peter Platt-Higgins 01747 860809         7 for 7.30pm
Rubber Bridge Club Every Thursday Gillingham Library 1.30pm   – We play for fun   Joan Carter  01747 822964
Scribblers Writing Group Second Thursday The Studio Milton on Stour 7.30pm  for budding writers £5 per session
S’bury Youth Bowling Group Every Saturday Carole Wiles
Shaftesbuty Community Choir Every Wednesday Shaftesbury 7.30 -9.30 01747 854225 Julia Marcus  open to all ages/abilities
S’bury & Gill Round Table Twice a month Various Peter Mellum 07870 239 848
Shaston Gardening Ass 1st Friday Bell Street United Church 7.30pm  850269
Shaftesbury Tennis Club Every Tue/Thurs 7.30 -9.00 S’Bury Tennis Courts 852705/ 07727061077
S’Bury & District Trefoil Guild Second Tuesday 7 – 9pm Bell Street United Church Hall, 01258 473151 or 01747 851448
Shaftesbury WI (Morning) Third Monday RBL Hall, Coppice Street 10am   Contact number President Mrs Brenda Skaife 01747 851514
Shaftesbury WI (Evening) Second Wednesday United Church Hall, Bell St 7pm  Contact number President Mrs Lorna Irvine 01747 854949
Shaftesbury Jive Club Every Wednesday Grosvenor Arms Hotel Shaftesbury 7.15pm  Andy Tebbut Russel 07710 878178
Short Mat Bowls Every Tues/Wed Buckhorn Western Hall Alison Collins, 01747 839783 or
Short Mat Bowls – S’bury Every Tue/Thur Coppice Street Hall Contact secretary on 01747 855490
U3A S’Bury & Gillingham First Thursday The Christian Centre Shaftesbury
WI pm Gillingham Mon RBL Hall 2.15pm   contact Barbara 833678
WI eve Gillingham First Thursday Gillingham Primary School 7.00 contact Alison 01747 824540
WI Milton Second Wednesday Milton School 7.15pm contact Christine  824655
Way Forward Group Every Monday Gillingham Football Club Drop in Social Group  10 – 12  £2
Wyvern Savings and Loans Every Wednesday Community Rooms 12 – 2pm Ethical banking and debt advice  afternoon
Wyvern Savings and Loans Every Thursday Shaftesbury Library 11 am – 1pm Ethical banking and debt advice
Wyvern Savings and Loans Every Saturday Community Rooms 10 am – 12 Ethical banking and debt advice morning

Your July 2024 issue of Gillingham & Shaftesbury Guide is available now!